Our goal is simple: To provide high quality competency-based training and supervision in CBT
We have a wealth of experience in providing skills-based training and supervision in both high-intensity CBT and low-intensity CBT (LiCBT)
We have a track record of producing competent, 'work ready' health professionals with our training, in Low and High Intensity CBT. We have adapted IAPT training from the UK to Australian health settings. This includes specialist CBT therapist training, CBT coach training (NewAccess) and other adaptions. We have successfully adapted our CBT curriculum to primary care, children & young people, older persons and other mental health issues
CBT-based clinical supervision is key to embedding competencies into mental health services. In addition it has a clear clinical governance role and safeguarding function for organisations, staff and service users. Regular supervision ensures skills acquisition and fidelity to evidence based practices. We also provide intensive training for clinical supervisor training for mental health professionals
We offer expert advice and scaffolding for organisations aiming to develop evidence-based services and systems. This includes frameworks for flexible service delivery, supervision, clinical governance and risk management.
Vision Statement: That stepped-care mental health services, offering easy access to high quality, evidence-based treatments are structurally embedded within Australian healthcare
Mission statement: To provide high quality training, consultancy, supervision and clinical governance to develop and maintain recovery-focussed services that widen access and retain fidelity to evidence-based interventions, within a stepped care framework that prioritises the needs of the individual
Founded on the evidence of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), The UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, and the Australian health care context including Beyondblue’s NewAccess program; CBT Institute provides consultancy, training and clinical governance services with specialisation in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
CBT Institute specialises in providing high-quality skills-based training and clinical supervision to mental health practitioners. We also support mental health organisations to develop the capacity to deliver high-quality services based on sound clinical governance. Our approach is underpinned by the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) model following NICE Guidance and our extensive variety of training programs range from one-day workshops through to twelve-month courses
CBT Institute has designed the nationally accredited 10965NAT Diploma of Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course and aims to be an RTO by 2025, at which point we will begin delivering this course.
CBT Institute offers training for health and social care organisations including Primary Health Networks. Our training enables PHN’s meet the Objectives of the Australian Government’s, Annual Mental Health Activity Work Plan for Primary Health Networks.
Training includes:
Evidence-based low intensity interventions for commonly occurring mental health problems. This focuses on services having KPIs that include measuring clinical recovery and loss of diagnosis in addition to early interventions.
Evidence-based low intensity interventions for people with severe mental illness in the community, including psychological assessment and skills training for care coordinators.
Using workforce and technology innovations to provide psychological therapies for people in rural and remote areas and other hard to reach populations
Low Intensity CBT training for indigenous Australians to allow evidence-based interventions to be delivered from within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Delivering focused, person-centred interventions within a stepped care model of mental health including skills in low and high intensity CBT
Management of suicide risk, including psychological skills in engagement, collaborative problem solving, identifying protective factors, symptom management and goal setting
Developing and training in-house clinical supervisors for low intensity services to become self-sustaining within a stepped care model of mental health
Our team is made up of experts from all areas of CBT including clinical supervision, training, service delivery, operational management and research. We have experience in nationwide services and specialise in telehealth and servicing remote areas.
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